Welcome to Your Dream Life!
Imagine I had a magic wand and asked you:
So you want to be a Creative Entrepreneur?
Want to live a care-free life, cure anxiety, and find confidence?
Have all the time in the world to do what you want and love?
Make your dream amount of $$$?
Build Your Own Empire?
Yes, in Your Dream Life YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL! And here is the ALL-in-1 course you've been looking for to Build Your Creative Empire.
+ Enroll into "Build Your Creative Empire" Dream Life Course NOW!
You don't have to be brave, you just have to be curious. No one will check your homework and decide that you did it wrong. You have the right to validate yourself and take a leap of faith into Your Future.
This Course Is For You If You Are:
serious and curious about building Your Empire
ready to take your hobby or current business to Empire-level
ready to make a commitment to yourself
ready to try everything even if it seems "easy" or like it "won't work for me"
ready to leave excuses behind and implement a done-it-for-you system that works
a self-starter - remember, it's Your Decision to step into Your Future and Build Your Empire
Course Structure:
Lesson 1: Your Childhood Dream.
Get to Know Yourself, Your Inner Child, and Your Zone of Genius.
Lesson 2: Productivity.
Choose the Right Path and Take on the System that Works for You.
Lesson 3: Manifestation.
Make Your Vision Come to Life with Power of Thought, Visuals, and Inspired Action.
Lesson 4: Step Into Your Future
When Four Key Ingredients are Mixed Together: Mindset, Visualization, Passion, and You
Lesson 5: Build Your Empire
Implementation, Implementation, Implementation!
This course is made up of videos, audios, masterclasses, worksheets, and journal prompts that navigate you through the steps of creating Your Empire.
You will create a blueprint, or as we call it, a Spiderweb Map of Your Empire.
With implementation, this formula works like magic!

Hi, I'm Valeria Sweet and I know how you feel. You may feel overwhelmed by what direction your life should go in. You may feel not brave enough yet to take a leap of faith. Maybe you don't have emotional support to go for what you really want.
Until now. You are exactly where you're supposed to be. Here. You were lead to this page because you've been thinking and asking for guidance and help. Here it is. Accept the help.
Here you can learn from the creative entrepreneur of them all - I've done and been in over 33 creative careers that I was paid for and was great in (scroll down for a list of careers). And what I haven't done myself, I've coached creatives in other fields to do. So I know everything you're going through and how important the decision and timing is. I've tried everything and chose to build my Empire on four creative paths (actress, writer, director, and life coach for creative entrepreneurs) that were given to me as a child.
When we're born, we're all given a Creative Dream. We are born with a passion, a Burning Desire in us, that sometimes gets put on a back burner. Maybe we're told we can't make money from it, not perfect in it, or don't have examples of how it's done. Sometimes we don't have that person who believes in us, a supportive community, and we play small, living the life of lack.
Not anymore. Today is the day you get re-born, reinvent yourself, and step into the shoes of Your Future You. Today you get confident and rewire your mindset to think in terms of What If and Why Not Me?
You get to take your power back just for $5.50/day for 365 days and have the course for life (of the course)! Are You Ready?
Email thesweetpost@gmail.com with any questions!
What the students are raving about:

"I interviewed with a new site today! I was inspired by you to give myself the green light!"
"I wish this course was available years ago! Would've saved me thousands of dollars in therapy!"
"Valeria's course has given me an action plan I needed to proceed instead of sitting on my dreams."
"'Work on your own' pace really worked for me. I liked that each module rolled out every week but I could return and rework any section many times."

"Love all that you are doing and inspired by who you are. Your manifestations happen! I’m focusing on my play script with my dramaturge because as you stated Getty Villa want to offer me a two week residency for the play so I’m working on what they asked in script and building my theatre company!"
"Thanks to the manifestation techniques in this, I saved over $15k when I've never saved before!"
"I used to be comfortable $5000 in debt, but now $10000/month is my new minimum!"
"I saved $27k so far and my savings doubled in the last three months! This stuff works!!!"
Email thesweetpost@gmail.com with any questions!
Q: What's the difference in payment plans?
A: By paying in Full, you save $124 and get this course for $5.50/day for a year if you divide $2000/365. Payment of $177/month is equivalent to $5.90/day for a year.
We recommend paying in full. When you take a leap of faith, it sends the message to the Universe that you're ready to invest in yourself, your art, your business, take yourself seriously, and it sends opportunities and clients to make that money back right away. There is no right or wrong, so pick whatever payment plan is right for you.
Q: What if my creative path is not on the list?
A: That's so exciting! That means you might have a new creative path and be a trail-blazer! I felt the same when I couldn't find an actress who was also a writer, director, producer, AND a life coach in mindset, relationships, creative entreneurship, and more! I salute you and can't wait to help you get even more focused on your path!
Q: What if I don't consider myself an entrepreneur?
A: Do you consider your creative venture a hobby or would you like to make money from it? If you make money from your creative path, you are an entrepreneur! Believe me, I didn't want to be in "business" either. I didn't think I knew anything about business, understood anything about business, and I was definitely never going to be a business owner! But you have to be a little bit of that if you want to help more people, have clients, make money, not have to have side hustles, etc. Being in business for yourself is actually pretty cool. For instance, you have a book or a painting and someone just paid you for it to read it or to hang it in their living room. Isn't it cool? Now you're in business.
Q: This is not the right time for me financially, personally, etc.
A: There's never the right time, that's why the best and most perfect time is NOW! We don't know what tomorrow brings and if we even have it. And if we do, a year from now you'd wish you started today. Obviously an Empire isn't built in a day and every success isn't actually overnight, but imagine that you start today - in a few weeks, months, or a year, you will polish up your idea, pitch, blueprint, products, sales page, and you won't be starting from scratch anymore! The clarity that comes with polishing a draft already created is priceless.
One of my favorite quotes, "The time will pass anyway." How do you want to spend it? Investing in yourself is the best way. I've never regretted anything I spent on myself because I've learned and gained so much more than I spent! Plus, I knew if I paid for it, I'd for sure show up for myself. Think of it as if you have a private trainer rather than just working out by yourself. Plus, you get to write it off as a business expense. Win win! (But consult with your accountant first, ;)
Can't wait for Your Empire to change the world with the help of this course!
Email thesweetpost@gmail.com with any questions!